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Salvia Vs Kratom – What’s The Difference?


Salvia: (Salvia divinorum) is an herb in the mint family found in southern Mexico. The main active ingredient in salvia, salvinorin A, changes the chemistry in the brain, causing hallucinations (seeing something that seems real but isn’t). The effects usually last less than 30 minutes but may be very intense and frightening.

Although salvia is not illegal (according to Federal law), several states and countries have passed laws to regulate its use. The Drug Enforcement Administration lists salvia as a drug of concern that poses risk to people who use it.

Kratom: Kratom is a tree. The leaves are used as a recreational drug and as medicine. Kratom is banned by some states in the U.S. due to safety concerns.

People use kratom for withdrawal from heroin, morphine, and other opioid drugs, as well as cough, depression, anxiety, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

Using kratom can also be unsafe. Kratom use has been linked to serious side effects including hallucinations, seizures, liver damage, withdrawal, and death. Due to these and other serious safety concerns, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to warn people to avoid using products containing kratom or its ingredients.

Salvia Vs Kratom

How Salvia is Used Salvia divinorum is used most famously as a recreational drug. It produces hallucinations when inhaled, when the leaves are chewed, or when extracts are placed under the tongue. It is widely available through smoke shops and on the Internet in concentrated form. It is used in cigarettes and incense.

How Salvia is Used Since it is an herb derived from tree leaves, it can be taken in many different ways. Originally in Southeast Asia, kratom was removed from the tree and the fresh leaves were chewed after removing the veins. This could also be done with dried leaves, but the more preferable method of consumption involved drying the leaves and then crushing them into a powder that could be swallowed. Kratom is also frequently made into a tea form.

Most often when people purchase kratom commercially, they buy it in a powder form. This powder can then be stirred into drinks. Stirring kratom into citrus juice, such as orange juice, is preferable among many users because the citrus components of the juice activate the powder and it takes effect more quickly.
How does it work? Salvia divinorum contains chemicals that can cause hallucinations. These chemicals are destroyed by digestive juices. There isn’t much information about how diviner’s sage might work as a medicine.

Health Benefits Sage is very high in vitamin K, and it also contains vital minerals like magnesium, zinc, and copper.
In addition, sage can provide other health benefits like:

Antioxidant Benefits
Antioxidants help combat free radical molecules in our environment that can damage our cells, leading to cancer. Sage contains antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E in small amounts. It also has over 160 types of polyphenols, another type of antioxidant made of plant matter.

Sage has several types of acidic compounds in it that also act as antioxidants. Chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid, ellagic acid, and rutin have all been linked to benefits such as lower cancer risk, memory improvement, and improved brain function.

One study found that drinking tea made from sage both raised antioxidant defenses and lowered LDL or “bad” cholesterol. Subjects who drank two cups of sage tea every day saw these benefits, as well as an increase in good cholesterol levels.

Oral Health
Sage has been shown to have antimicrobial effects that aid in killing plaque. One study using a sage-based mouthwash showed it successfully killed cavity-causing Streptococcus mutans bacteria.

In another study, an essential oil made from sage killed Candida albicans fungus and stopped it from spreading Sage is also commonly used to treat mouth problems like cold sores, but more data is needed to definitively prove it works in humans.

How does it work? It’s thought that mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine may help control pain by attaching to these opioid receptors, which, in turn, reduce pain perception.
Kratom has gained popularity as an alternative to opioid pain medications like Vicodin (hydrocodone) and OxyContin (oxycodone). In many cases, kratom is used to manage chronic pain associated with conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Health Benefits Research has found several potential health benefits to taking kratom:

Libido Enhancement
Kratom has been studied as a potential sexual enhancement supplement. Researchers examined several clinical studies and reported findings regarding the aphrodisiac effects of kratom. They concluded that kratom is an effective plant-based sexual enhancer.

Pain Relief
Kratom comes in three different strains, which all are effective relievers for chronic pain. White vein, green vein, and red vein varieties provide pain relief by attaching to opioid receptors. One compound found in kratom, 7-hydroxymitragynine, is 13 times more potent than morphine.

Although kratom targets opioid receptors like morphine and codeine, it is considered an atypical opioid. Kratom selectively inactivates specific signals, which may explain the more tolerable side effects compared to typical opioids.

Kratom has many mood-enhancing effects. Reports show that kratom is an effective treatment for opioid addiction. It has been proven to help alleviate the withdrawal symptoms of morphine and ethanol.

Other studies show that kratom has potential as an antidepressant and a hunger suppressant. In one animal study, researchers determined that kratom lowers corticosterone levels in mice. Elevated corticosterone levels are associated with depression.